It’s been a while since my last post. Just over 3 months, in fact.
I have a decent excuse for much of that delay. January 8th, just after my last blog post, I was involved in a car accident that totaled my car, and landed me in the hospital with a broken right wrist and a gash in my head requiring staples to close it up. Overall, I was very lucky things weren’t worse, but dealing with the fall-out did take a lot of time and energy, and the broken wrist meant I needed to limit my keyboard time to critical things.
Ironically, the nominal amount of my hospital bill for the 5 hours I spent in the ER (with x-rays, CT scans, but *not* counting the ambulance ride or the time billed by the doctors) was just over $20,000, the amount that UM Healthcare is looking to raise to fund *one year* of salaries for 2 doctors and 4 medical assistants.
Not all of the delay was bad, though. I was also revising my book draft based on comments from my editor. (Yes, I was kicking myself that I hadn’t kept to my original deadline which meant I would have been done *before* the accident.) I also took a much anticipated and very enjoyable three-week trip to Europe.
At any rate, I’m back from vacation now, am doing a final review of the “copy edited” manuscript, and finishing off the therapy for my wrist.
While finishing my taxes, the editing process, and a few other unusual time drains may impact my rate of blog posts for the near future, I’m looking forward to getting re-started, and hope to resume a more regular series of articles and book excerpts.
Thanks for bearing with me through the silence, and Happy Spring!